I see you in a blade of grass, every leaf on a tree.

I see you in the glory of a sunrise and sunset.

I see your majesty, your power, when a drop of rain becomes a snowflake.

I see you in the shadows, in the gloom of a dark day;

I see you in the brightest sunshine, the most beautiful blue skies.

I see your handiwork in my fingers and toes, even the hair on my head;

I see your creations are never an accident.

I am in awe of thee, my Lord, my Creator!

I love thee beyond all words!

My heart leaps in joy when I think of thee!

I tremble before thee!

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

I give you my life,

I surrender to thee.

Use me, Lord, according to your will.

©Shari Brase-Smith

November 2019